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Singapore Market Overview

5.54 million

GDP (2021)
USD 396.99 billion

Per Capita GDP
USD 72,794

GDP Growth
Source: World Bank 2021 (https://data.worldbank.org/)
The following information is a snapshot in time to give you a general overview of Singapore’s top importing products. This information is sourced from FAO Globefish market profile for Singapore (2019). Some of this information may change from time to time, therefore we encourage you to go directly to FAO Globefish for the most up-to-date information.
Imports – Top 10 Products (Value)
prepared or preserved
(HS 1604.20)
USD 72 763 870
Shrimps, prawns
(HS 0306.17)
USD 65 367 780
Fish, other than species in 0302
fresh or chilled; excluding fillets, livers and roes
(HS 0302.89)
USD 51 841 600
live, fresh or chilled
(HS 0306.33)
USD 41 342 810
prepared or preserved
(HS 1605.57)
USD 38 757 970
Shark fins
frozen; excluding fillets, livers and roes
(HS 0303.92)
USD 37 284 230
Atlantic, Danube salmon
fresh or chilled; excluding fillets, livers and roes
(HS 0302.14)
USD 34 999 090
Tunas, skipjack, bonito
prepared or preserved; whole or in pieces
(HS S 1604.14)
USD 29 006 520
frozen; excluding fillets, livers and roes
(HS 0303.83 )
USD 27 352 550
frozen fillets
(HS 0304.62)
USD 26 344 030
Globefish provides information and analysis for global trade in fish and fish products. Search for information about the size of the market, the top imported product and formats as well as other important market information. The information here is a snapshot from 2019 – check the link for more recent information.
FRDC Trade Database
Australian Exports to Singapore
This database provides a wealth of seafood exporting and importing information with the ability to look at seafood production and trade data.
The database allows you to filter the data by year, export market destination and species. You also have the option to look at the data by seafood trade value or volume.
The FRDC database sources information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Find seafood production and trade data for your products and markets

Seafood Specific Information
Micor Importing Requirements
Micor (Fish) sets out the know importing country requirements, which differ from or are additional to Australian export conditions and which must be met to gain market access.
Seafood Export Program Report
The latest summary report from the Australian Government on registrations, export shipments and markets, exports by product, and exports.
Singapore Supply Chain Guide
Export Market Development Guidebook (Rock Lobster, Singapore)
Export Market Development Guidebook (Abalone, Singapore)
Generic information about exporting to Singapore
Austrade Export Market Profile
To view a market profile that outlines information on doing business with Singapore, news and insights, events, and information about visiting Singapore.
Free Trade Agreement
The Australia-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) entered into force on 28 July 2003.
DFAT Singapore Brief
Information about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy and foreign relations.
Relevant Singapore Based Authorities
Singapore Customs
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
GeBIZ, One-stop e-procurement portal
Health Science Authority
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
Ministry of Communications and Information
Singapore Economic Development Board
Singapore Government Directory
Export Market Reports
Are you looking to diversify your seafood export markets, but not sure if a market is right for you and your business? SIA has developed a series of FREE market summaries and supply chain guides to help producers gain valuable insights into new markets and make informed business decisions.