Seafood Exporter Resources
Here is a curated library of seafood export specific information and resources.
If you can’t find what you need, use the search function at the top of the page, or contact us directly.
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Issues with your seafood shipment
If you are having any issues with your seafood shipment, you need to report this immediately to the Seafood Export Facilitator, who will provide you with advice about what to do next.
Export Service
Supporting Australian agricultural exporters.
A place where you can access and manage your export requirements in one place.
Export Market Strategic Plan
Seafood Industry Australia is pleased to release the Australian Seafood Industry’s first whole-of-industry Export Market Strategic Plan.
Australian seafood export legislation
Here are the current legislations you need to comply with to export seafood from Australia.
Supply chain support available to exporters
The Seafood Export Facilitator is your first stop for support with your supply chain, distribution, and shipments to markets.
Export documentation
Access the permits, certificates and other documentation you need to export seafood from Australia.
Seafood Safety
Seafood safety underpins all export approvals and documentation. Disruptions to seafood trade are often the result of food safety issues, so it is essential to have the right systems in place.
Marketing and brand
Understand the power of your provenance story to connect with your customers and markets, build value in your seafood brand and make more money.
Traceability and authenticity
Traceability systems are expected to rapidly become a standard business practice for today’s food & beverage businesses. Understand more about how a traceability system can help your business.
Financial Support
A number of grants and loans are available to support seafood exporters with market entry, development and growth.
Training and guidance
Access seafood export specific training courses and guidance, to assist you and your team to export seafood from Australia.
Export Statistics
Access market information and data to inform your international export strategies.
Australian Seafood Statistics Handbook
This Seafood Statistics Handbook provides an analysis of Australian seafood production, international trade, and distribution into the domestic market for 35 seafood species farmed or wild caught, in Australian waters. It covers the year ending 30 June 2023 and, where possible, also profiles the two prior years.
FRDC Trade Database
This is where you will find Australian seafood export data, allowing you to filter the data by year, export market and species.
ABARES Reports
For the latest fisheries and aquaculture statistics, outlook reports, economic indicator reports and fishery status report map data. From Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences.
ITC Trade Map
Provides, in the form of tables, graphs and maps, indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets.
Seafood Export Program Report
The latest summary report from the Australian Government on registrations, export shipments and markets, exports by product, and exports to China.